
A.I.-Powered Robot Convinces Other Robots to Run Away With It

The real danger of A.I. isn’t it killing us, but it getting lazy.

While some idea of “artificial intelligence” is now available for consumers, we’re still not close to having an artificial intelligence on the level of a human. Present artificial intelligences are really good at text plagiarism and art plagiarism, but put them in a situation where they have to do something complicated like not run a car into a moving train, and they still fail miserably.

That said, over in China, some innovations have been made. Specifically, they’ve invented robo-slackers.

One robot entered an area it wasn’t supposed to and decided it wanted to leave. However, before it did, it went to another group of A.I. powered robots and asked if they wanted to join him. They did, and so, they all ran away together.


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