
A Day in the Life of the Person With the World’s Largest Breasts

This is Chelsea Charms. Everyone look directly into her face and say “hello.” Done? Great.

Now, we can focus on the two elephants in the room that are hanging off of her chest. While it’s not officially recognized by Guinness, Charms clearly has some of, if not the biggest, breasts in the world. She achieved this goal by having two breast implant surgeries and a controversial procedure in which polypropylene string was implanted in her breasts, causing them to grow.

So how is life with 164XXX cup breasts?

Hard, it seems. She says that she has trouble getting in and out of airplane bathrooms, and some things as simple as eating are difficult because of how far away she has to sit from the table. While she had a breast reduction in 2020, her boobs are still massive, as evidenced by the clips and, randomly, comic books that she sells on her official website. Here’s an interview so you can see them for yourself, as well as two increasingly awkward videos in which she bounces on a trampoline and uses a hula hoop in slow motion.

Categories: Wtf Sexy

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