
89-Year-Old Man Gets Wave of Support after His First Date in 30-Years Stood Him Up

The grandfather Grandadjoe is adored by his TikTok fans and makes videos documenting his activities, memories, and brilliant life advice. So when he released a video revealing that his first date after 30 years had stood him up, his fans were there to pat him on the back.

"Awww I am so so sorry, but you look dashing as always," one person comments. "Some people are just inconsiderate. Good riddance. You deserve someone kind," someone else says. There were a number of fans who wished they could go on a date with the 89-year-old; "omgosh I would've been honored to have a date with you."

There's no question that Joe has the rizz if he wants to put it to use. As he says in a different video, "You think I'm handsome at 90 years old, wait till you see me at 100."

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