
7-Year-Old Takes Family’s SUV for Joyride to Get Slushie

It's not every day we have a clip as good as this one. It reminds us of that internet classic, you know the one, the kid who stole his grandma's car because he wanted to do, "hoodrat sh*t with his friends."

Well this time we have actual footage from the joyride, and it's nuts. Dashcam footage shows 7-year-old Daniel Wittenback hopping into his parent's SUV, fastening his seatbelt, and going on a trip for a slushie. And for a kid, he didn't do too bad either.

Daniel takes the car down the wrong side of the road, cutting through head-on traffic, and even driving up on the sidewalk before crashing head-on into another car.

Lucky no one was injured during the incident and Daniel was returned home safely to his parents, but when his dad says, "he had no idea what he was doing, he just wanted a slushie", we have to disagree. This kid knew exactly what he was doing, he even turned on the radio.

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