
$3,800 Apartment Can Only Be Entered Via a Kindergarten, and You’re Not Allowed to Enter or Leave During the Day

Many cities in Australia are currently undergoing a housing crisis. This has meant that those seeking to live in these places must pay exorbitant rents to live in even modest accommodations — and that landlords are getting pretty bold with what sort of deals they offer tenants.

This offer, however, might be the worst of the worst. Not only does this three-bedroom apartment run the tenant around $3,800 AUD per month ($2,598.69 USD), but the location is right above a kindergarten. Before you think, “Hey, that’s not too bad,” the listing specifies that the house can only be entered *through* the kindergarten — and, oh yeah, you’re not allowed to leave or enter when school is in session. Oh yeah, you also basically have to clean up after them.

If you live here, summer vacation can’t come soon enough.


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