
25 of the Greatest Punches in History

Boxing is a time-honored sport that many people enjoy. While some think of it as senseless violence and even barbaric, many people recognize the talent, strategic thinking, and superb athletic condition required to be one of the greats.

The sport has evolved throughout the centuries with rules and regulations, training, safety and medical protocol etc. In 2021 the boxing promotion industry raked in over 279 Million dollars. Big-name fighters like Floyd Mayweather Jr rake in big bucks upwards of 100 Million dollars for title fights and high-profile matches.

The earliest evidence of boxing dates back to Egypt around 3000 BC. The sport was introduced to the ancient Olympic Games by the Greeks in the late 7th century BC, when soft leather thongs were used to bind boxers’ hands and forearms for protection.

Check out this compilation of 25 of the most memorable (and devastating) punches ever thrown in the boxing ring.

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