
Wine Tanks Burst Flooding European Town Under 2,000,000 Liters of Red Wine

According to a video posted on Twitter by Brian Quest (@AweInspireMe) two large wine tanks burst in the town of São Lorenco de Bairro, Portugal over the weekend, leading the street to run red with wine. 

A scene straight out of Revelation (if it had been written by Canned Heat) is an awe and tragedy to behold. 

Roughly 600,000 gallons or 2,000,000 liters of wine was lost as it spilled down the small Portuguese street. 

Authorities did what they could to prevent the wine from flowing into a local river, the fire department setting up a blockage to divert the river of wine. 

Levira Distillery apologized for the accident and said they would foot the bill for the costly cleanup saying in a statement that, "We assume full responsibility for the costs associated with cleaning and repairing the damage, having teams do so immediately.”

Categories: Wow

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