
16-Foot-Long Carpet Snake Filmed Climbing Through Trees In Australia

Looking to save thousands on your next Australian holiday? This 16-foot-long snake will make sure you never want to step foot on the island nation ever again, even for a few sun-soaked days.

Aussie influencer @iamiandyi’s headed to TikTok this week with a harrowing glimpse at what it’s really like living down under, showing a clip depicting a five-meter (roughly 16.4 foot) snake slithering from the roof of their suburban home and onto the treetops above.

While at first, we fail to glimpse the reptile’s head, its thick, slithering body sliding from the gutter to the awaiting tree, the snake’s colossal size wasn’t enough to deter one of the creator’s children from thinking their father could Steve Irwin their extremely long visitor.

“Dad would be able to catch him,” they said.

Though normally we’d come away from these types of videos having experienced the joy of learning new things, today is different. As @wilbur.roni so aptly put it, “I did NOT need to know that this was possible.”

Categories: Wtf Wow Animals & Nature

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