
11-Year-Old Skater Makes History & Breaks Tony Hawk's Long Standing Record

Tony Hawk has been in the news quite a bit lately. First was the announcement that his classic video games, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 & 2, will be remastered and released later this year. Second, a young fan's wish came true after a viral video uploaded by a FedEx driver made its way to Tony and ended with him sending the fan one of his skateboards.

Well now, 11-year-old Brazilian skateboarding prodigy, Gui Khury, just broke a record Tony Hawk has held for 21 years. A video posted to Khury's Instagram shows the young skater successfully landing a 1080, becoming the first skateboarder in history to land one on a vert ramp. This kid's going to do big things!
Categories: Wow Sports> Skate

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