
$100 Million Kick Star xQc Admits His Content Is "Non-Transformative Dog Shit"

The prominent streamer xQc has faced consistent backlash ever since he signed a 100 million dollar, two-year deal to start streaming non-exclusively on Kick. Since signing that deal, he has streamed entire episodes of Breaking Bad and was forced to stop streaming The Dark Knight by a Kick staffer. Just last week he was criticized for a "reaction" stream in which he left the room for 10 minutes while saying nothing.

But yesterday, the fellow streamer h3h3 confronted xQc in a three-and-a-half-hour debate, where he flamed the Canadian for stealing content.

"You added 40 seconds to an eight-and-a-half minute video," h3 said about one video.

"You're about to prove me right," xQc responded. "I said I do non-transformative dog-s**t, and you're about to show me non-transformative dog-s**t."

xQc's argument is equal parts perplexing and infuriating, as the streamer admitted to making awful content, in an attempt to be "proven right" the entire debate. 

"It’s like being forced to listen to your preteens nephews opinions at thanksgiving," @noelc4514 commented. 

Unfortunately, your preteen nephew probably watches xQc.

Jump to the 1:00:00 mark for the quote.

Categories: Wtf Facepalm

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