
Your Daily Dose of the Internet - August 10th, 2023

It's that special time of day again folks, where we bring you up to speed on some of the top stories and weirdest happenings around the world and on the internet.  So strap in and grab your tinfoil hats for this one because there's no shortage of crazy and conspiracy in this batch.

1. Hawaii Hellscape

Harrowing airplane footage shows the extent of the Maui fire damage, some are calling it "hell on earth".

2. Lil' Tay is not Dead

Lil Tay is Not dead. The bizarre story continues to unfold. When reporters from the New York Post reached out to Chris Hope, Lil Tay’s controversial dad, in search of details surrounding the “youngest flexer of the century’s” death, they were greeted with a whole lot of evasion, the Vancouver attorney apparently in the dark on whether his child had passed.


A photo from Lahaina town, utter devastation.


4. Dale Gribble is Dead

King of the Hill Actor John Hardwick (Dale Gribble) passed away At 59.

5. Boner Inducing Spiders

Move over Viagra, there's a new boner king in town, and it's a.... spider? The Brazilian Wandering Spider is known as the world's most venomous arachnid. A supermarket in Austria was closed over fears of the spider being inside the store. The bite is capable of causing a variety of health issues, including a permanent erection.

6. Chaos in The Streets

A ‘mass shoplifting event’ in London leads to a brutal brawl between cops and teens. Yesterday, dozens of British youths causes a ruckus on Oxford Street in London due to an alleged “viral Snapchat.” The screenshot (acquired by the Daily Mail) that was passed around allegedly encouraged teens to rob JD Sports in Oxford at noon. The result was a large meeting of teens, police officers, and horses carrying police officers.

7. No Time for Sex

A couple's insane anniversary itinerary goes viral for all the planned activities and lack of le sexy time.

8. No Hitter in Vans

Michael Lorenzen causually pitched a no-hitter in white Vans, in his first home start since being traded to the Phillies and the Vans spikes he wore are now headed to Cooperstown National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum.

9. Fake Aliens

The “seven-foot-tall ‘green goblin’ aliens” terrorizing a Peruvian village are actually just illegal gold miners.


10. Cringefluencer

If you thought you've made some really bad judgment calls in your life, move on over. In a truly WTF moment, people spotted a photoshoot underway at the Holocaust monument in Berlin. In what can only be explained as either an extreme lapse in judgment or utter lack of awareness, either way it makes us wince to the core.

11. Spiked Coffee

Dunkin Donuts introduces a new “Spiked Coffee” and it makes us worry about the not-so-distant future of Boston.

12. Man Predicts His Own Demise

Craig Robertson was killed when the FBI raided his home which ended in a shootout with them.

13. Paradise Scorched

As the ongoing blaze continues to devastate the seaside community, several Hawaii locals and travelers have taken to Twitter to share photos of Lahaina before and after flames devastated the area.


14. BooBEES

Influencers are taking Bee pollen to try and grow their breasts. In the most recent installment of “Bizarre DIY Beauty Treatments with Little Basis in Scientific Fact,” some influencers are claiming that ingesting bee pollen can help increase breast growth, giving a whole new meaning to “bee stings.”

15. Boomers Like When Things Go Boom

Michigan boomers can’t get enough of watching this power plant demolition. The midwest just had its second fourth of July as dozens crowded around to watch a large-scale demolition in lawn chairs and on boats.

16. Mushroom Murders?

Redditors convinced that the Australian luncheon mushroom deaths were an elaborate murder plot. .


17. A Good Boy, A Terrible Guard Dog

In a now-viral clip, a burglar is seen taking a few moments out of his heist to say hello to a friendly dog hanging out in the garage. I guess if nothing else this goes to show that even a thief has to stop and pet an adorable doggo when he sees one.

18. Aliens Among Us

Former Pentagon DIA believes aliens are giving her information about ‘the cube within a sphere’ UFO reports. Former Pentagon Defense Intelligence Agency employee Angelia Schultz, also known as Añjali, is of the belief that she is in communication with a higher extraterrestrial power she calls “The Council,” and apparently they have shared information with her about this design before. You’ll just have to tune into her podcast to hear it.


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