1. When It's your first day back to work after taking a long vacation:
2. When you realize that what your drinking is not what your ordered:
3. When you're having a bad day, and even nature turns against you:
4. When your wife asks you one of those "loaded" questions:
5. What people imagine when you tell them you let your dog "kiss" you:
6. When you change your mind last minute, and it's almost disastrous:
7. When you have been drinking all night and you try to lay in bed:
8. When you don't want to fight, and try to kiss and make up:
9. When dad stops you from making a very big mistake:
10. When your boss asks you to do something you have no clue how to do and you just wing it:
11. When your being lied to by someone with much greater power over you:
12. When you woke up late for work and are trying to make it on time:
13. When you get so drunk, windows become doors:
14. When you get home from work and enjoy that ice cold beer:
15. When you're in the mood, but your significant other is not:
16. How you feel when it's just you and the dog:
17. When you finish doing some "manscaping" and it turns out fabulous:
18. When you think you're the baddest guy at the gym, and you spot this guy:
19. What it's like to get out of the car after a really long road-trip:
20. When your girlfriend catches you being a little too friendly with another woman:
21. When you get face to face with the dude who has been talking shit on facebook:
22. How you feel after eating Taco Bell
23. and how you feel after you relieve yourself from Taco Bell.
24. When your kids question you about the birds and the bees:
25. When you really mess up on something and your friends are there to knock you down:
26. When you're looking for life to take you in a new direction, and it does:
27. When you get divorced and have given your ex-wife everything you've got and have nothing left to give:
28. When you get into a drunken brawl with your best friend and the unexpected happens: