Guy Prepared to Ditch Fiancé after Learning about Her Family "Sex Quilt"
nootens Published 05/27/2020
Most family traditions are at least a little weird, but this one is sure to scar anyone for life.
A guy who's about to get married learns that his fiancé's family has a tradition where all the relatives gather outside the bedroom and listen in as the newlyweds consummate their marriage.
Then when the couple finishes and leaves the room, someone cuts a piece off the bed sheets they just had sex on and sews it into a quilt containing pieces of consummation sheets from everyone else in the family going back decades.
This so-called Sex Quilt is one of the more disturbing things to emerge online in recent history, and no one is passing up an opportunity to dunk on this poor man for the unforgettable tradition he's found himself wrapped up in.
For more human oddities, click here.
A guy who's about to get married learns that his fiancé's family has a tradition where all the relatives gather outside the bedroom and listen in as the newlyweds consummate their marriage.
Then when the couple finishes and leaves the room, someone cuts a piece off the bed sheets they just had sex on and sews it into a quilt containing pieces of consummation sheets from everyone else in the family going back decades.
This so-called Sex Quilt is one of the more disturbing things to emerge online in recent history, and no one is passing up an opportunity to dunk on this poor man for the unforgettable tradition he's found himself wrapped up in.
For more human oddities, click here.
And if he goes through with it, he'll have to participate in the ritual from the other side of the door!
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