
Stranger Says ‘Smile, It Could Be Worse’ F**ks around and Finds Out

Also stop telling strangers to smile, it's f**king weird.

I'm only going to say this once, and I know it's going to sound preachy. But stop telling people to "Just be happy." Stop telling people to "Smile." Stop telling people "Other people have got it way worse.

It doesn't help. And it also doesn't make any goddamn sense. You don't know what kind of battles others are dealing with.

In that light we have a story straight from the subreddit, Petty Revenge. And this exact situation occurs. Our OP (who isn't even frowning/crying by the way) gets told by a stranger, "Smile, it could be worse." First of all dude, that's a rude assumption. Secondly, and most importantly, nobody asked you.

But the OP had perhaps the greatest comeback, one that I couldn't write if I tried. I encourage anyone else who experiences something like this with a stranger to use this clapback, because it is absolutely brilliant. Enjoy.

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