What’s the One Thing You Know Satan Is Putting in Your Room When You Get To Hell
And you know what, I'm actually okay with that. I've not only come to terms with the fact that I'll be going down under, I'm now embracing it. It's a freeing feeling not having any f**ks left to give. But I guess you have to be that way if you write for eBaum's World.
Anyway, we've sourced AskReddit for the best things that Satan is going to have waiting for you in your room once you get to H-E-double hockey sticks! Enjoy.
A women that asks me every 10 minutes if I think her newborn baby is cute. If I don't respond or seem authentic enough about how cute it is, the baby cries for 1 hour. Time is cumulative. -mangojoy11
A blanket that's almost square, so I can never tell if it is going the right way. It also is too small in either direction, so that my feet and my shoulders can never be covered at the same time. -Kiche4lyfe
A fitted sheet that constantly pops off the corner of my mattress. Only 3/4 corners will ever stay put. You fix one, another pops off. -peachtartx
A movie of all the lives I could have had but did not because I'm too afraid, anxious and sad. -Pegtz
A magical chair that always makes its way into my path so I constantly stub my pinky toe on it. -Mingismungis
Satan's got it easy, he can just leave me alone with my thoughts and I'll take it over from there. -CouchCandy
Wall-to-wall shag carpet. That stuff holds on to dirt and allergens like you wouldn’t believe! -coffeemunkee