
What Did ‘THAT’ Teacher Do to Get Fired from Your School?

We all had that one teacher in school who did something absolutely insane to get canned from their position.

Thanks to AskReddit, we've collected some of the wildest and most inappropriate stories of teachers getting fired.


My Dad subbed (teacher) for a while after he retired. He got personally escorted out of a school once for doing “black magic” for 5th graders….. he did a card trick…. And he was in the process of cutting a sheet of paper in a way that makes it possible to walk thru it. He is currently banned for life from Deer Park public schools in WA. -DrNefarious11


One of my wife's coworkers got canned as a teacher for letting the students feel her new breast implants. -Spodson


He was a music teacher and he was teaching antisemitic conspiracy theories to the 9th graders. -readitpaige



History teacher never really taught history. Sometimes he'd just yell at the kids in class. It got worse when his son died in desert storm. Then he spent half the class time crying. Assistant principal had to take over one too many days. Eventually he stopped coming to school and we never saw him again. -Anom8675309


Not my school, but the school he went to after mine. He was hired as a soccer coach I believe, and somehow ended up coaching cheerleaders, he ended up having a relationship with a 14 year old student. The girl wrote about it in her diary, her mom read it, called the cops and they had the girl invite him over for sex, he knocked on the door and they jumped out and arrested him. This was 20ish years ago, I think he is out now. -juicybits85


He set up a camera in the middle school theater changing room (girl's side). He was on the beginning of the video, turning the camera on and adjusting a modified shoebox he put over it to hide it. A student found it and took it home, watched it with parents. -dysphoric_amalgam


Burned an American flag in the classroom to illustrate free speech. She was a language arts teacher. Aside from the groups of people that would be upset by that, she also straight up lit a fire in the classroom. -NormanBorlaug69


He was the gym teacher for over 30 years. He volunteered to stand near the trash cans during lunch every day to ensure the students dumped their food and gave their finished trays to the cafeteria workers in an organized way. He had done this for decades. Even when my father attended that junior high.

One day, a student decided to toss her entire tray in the trash instead of dumping the contents and giving it to the cafeteria work. He removed the tray from the trash and gave it back to her. She threw a carton of chocolate milk at his face, close range. He responded by punching her in the eye. -kelham3005


She dared a troublemaker to hit her. He said I don't hit people with glasses. She took them off. He backed down. She said "that's what I thought." He was disruptive and just unpleasant. She backed him down. Even 20+ years later I think she handled it perfectly.

The school board disagreed and she got fired.



Not someone who got fired, but someone who definitely should have. Our home Ed teacher wasn’t restocking our ingredients and forced students to eat rotten food. I’m not talking about slightly expired food. She made us scrape of the completely black layer of carrots before using them, and forced people to just cut the mold of from the potatoes.

No one believed us until we got picture proof and the school didn’t start talking to her until we threatened to call the food safety bureau in my country. -WebBorn2622


She made us pay $5 for homework that wasn't done. -MoleHester


My high school principal was fired for hypnotizing students. He would do it at school functions and stuff, everyone knew and was cool with it. He hypnotized a bunch of seniors in my class after graduation, the funniest thing I've ever seen. This isn't going where you think it's going though, because he wasn't trying to bang female students.

It was found out he was hypnotizing the football team before games to be better. Not that it worked, they were always terrible, and probably still are. But that was discovered as cheating, and he was fired for it. -Wingdom


Embezzled something like 20,000 from the school field trips she was in charge of scheduling for the whole school. All field trips that needed to be paid for she planned and took the money for. Overcharged the students but only deposited the amount for what the trip cost and kept the rest. Did it for decades and stole about 20,000 dollars over time. Not only fired but charged and found guilty. Not sure how much time she was given. -skith843



He wanted to date a teacher, and she turned him down. So, then he suspected that she was sleeping with a student. He then hired a private investigator and had her followed. She found out about it, went to the cops, requested a restraining order, and he was bought up on stalking charges.

(It was discovered that she was sleeping with the student). -throwaway788292


He got a cheerleader pregnant. At least he married her. -TheBalloonEffect


He showed us Pulp Fiction in history class and forgot to take out the tape when returning AV equipment. -Boostlagg



He was actually just a substitute. Left quicker than he arrived. He told our class he practices judo so one student told him to show a move. The move he chose to demonstrate on this student in front of the class was a sleeper hold. Put that motherf**ker right to sleep and got charged with assaulting a minor. -Jurtaani


Had a samurai sword in his trunk, proceeded to unsheathe it during a fire drill because his lineup location was next to his car and show people… -LeccaTheTrapGod


An ex grew up in a tiny, nowhere town in Wyoming. One day they got a long lunch recess and their teacher was walked out to a car with some people in suits and military clothes. It turns out he switched dog tags with someone killed in Vietnam and the dead soldiers parents went to the military when their son didn't call or visit. He had hidden in one of the most isolated places in the US and it took enough time for him to finish a degree and get a job. -DarrenEdwards



Gave a student written confirmation of the zero tolerance policy, highlighting that any two students involved in a fight would get the same punishment. Next time the kid got bullied he f**king tore into the bully and started pounding him in the head with a trashbin lid.

The written confirmation got used to successfully demand both students suffered the same consequences, especially after the student showed he had received confirmation that he wouldn't be punished more severely for fighting back.

From that point "Can I get that in writing?" was basically a get-out-of-jail-free-card. -UnoriginalUse


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