What Country Has the Most Sex?

Italy: 2:50 minutes. Beating out 123 other countries, Italians are the tenth most sexually active lovers in the world. They are--nevertheless--the most premature ejaculators in the top 10. Do Italian men desire so strongly that they simply cannot last as long? Or are the women so passionate that they elicit quicker satisfaction? Despite the quickies, Italians are definitely getting lots of action.

Spain: 3:22 minutes. The country that was home to Don Juan almost 400 years ago is now the ninth most sexually active country in the world. Men in Spain are forthright, calling out publicly to women they find attractive in hopes of treating her to 3:22 minutes of Spanish pleasure.

Mexico: 3:23 minutes. Mexicans are eighth most sexually active and last one second longer than Spaniards, possibly indicating that the New World is the place to be... It is not hard to imagine the reasons for their collectively high libido: Hot climate, fewer clothes, passionate people, beautiful beaches, and a languid way of life clearly translates into sex as an R&R priority.
Australia: 4:02 minutes. At 4:02, Australians have the most staying power in the sack (on this Top 10 list anyway), so while they're only number 7 in the world in terms of frequency, they manage to marathon it when they do get between the sheets. So get out your snorkeling gear, wax your surfboards and nether regions and light up the BBQ because that's not the only thing that's hot down under.
France: 2:53 minutes. This country, which was infamous in bygone eras for having the most sophisticated courtesans and unabashed adulterers, comes in sixth on this list for frequency of sex. Surprisingly, the act itself does not last too long when compared with this country's global counterparts. Perhaps monsieur is too fatigued from his session earlier in the day with another demoiselle?
Russia: 3:31 minutes. The setting for obsession-filled romantic tragedies such as Anna Karenina and Dr. Zhivago is justified as Russia comes in at No. 5 on the list in terms of intercourse frequency. They also do it for a while as they have the third longest average duration. It's unclear whether the vodka is staving off climax.
United Kingdom: 2:56 minutes. Brits do it more than 129 other countries worldwide and come in at fourth on this Top 10 List. For a country known for its stuffiness, they sure do get down a lot. But maybe it's that stuffiness in public that makes them so rabidly sexual in private. The idea of that build-up and release is attested to by how relatively short Brits last--They're seventh on the list in terms of duration. Either way, their stiff upper lip isn't the only thing that's stiff.
Canada: 3:41 minutes. Canadians have found a great way to keep warm, by coming in at No. 3 for frequency of copulation and coincidentally No. 3 for duration as well. Quebec is reported to take the greatest credit for the nation's physical prowess, but there are nine other provinces as well as three territories that are also doing the dirty on the regular. Next time you hear someone cite the cliche of the lackluster and unassuming Canuck, inform them that they're more active lovers than most of the world.
China: 2:40 minutes. At the absolute lowest in terms of time spent during intercourse, the Chinese are still doing it more than all but one of the world's 133 surveyed nations. Could the amount of sex these people are having account for the nation's oversized population? When outsiders think of China, a strong work ethic, focus and discipline come to mind. Their sex habits seem to mimic that reputation!
United States: 3:45 minutes. Americans don't just have the most sex; they're also second only to Australia on this list in terms of duration. When one considers the parallels that have been drawn between this empire and that of the Romans, doing everything to excess with regard to sex is certainly on the table, and in the bedroom, and in that empty classroom a couple of times. Suffice it to say, USA is having it lots and having it long.