20 Old Time Sayings That Should Make a Comeback
When I was a kid and we had a slow start to our day my mother would say “we’re off like a herd of turtles” still makes me smile - kurtsta
My nana says “That really turns me on” about ANYTHING. Good ice cream, a movie, music, doesn’t matter. Edit: thank you for all the awards!! Nana is shocked this many people think she’s funny - she said “I’m a star!” - spinkyrinky
There was an older gentleman, about 70, that I used to work with that looked at me and said “His butter done slid off his biscuit” referring to another coworker acting crazy. I’m in southern Kentucky." - Awerunner
When talking about drinking, my dad says "I got plowed the other night" rather than "I got drunk the other night - Practical-Usual-4414
My mom was not a fan of colorful language, I can't recall ever hearing an f-bomb escape her lips. But if she was mad at someone, she would say "They can just go piss up a rope!" I still don't know WTF she meant. - nachobitxh
When my grandpa had to take a piss, he would say " I gotta go see a man about a horse" - thebigcrawdad
My mom is 71, she says things are cool. But she pronounces it like kewel, or kyoul. - OhAces
50/50 chance my mom is gonna say “and we’re off like a dirty shirt” when leaving an establishment. I kinda like it though - Moonflufff
"Davenport" to mean couch. Apparently, it was a name-brand couch back in the day. - bradradio
My mother used to say "he's got his wobbly boots on" whenever she saw someone drunk. - kiss_my_what
My grandmother always said I was a "fart in a skillet". Along with wishing with one hand and shitting in another, see which one fills up first. - thatstaceygirl
My late father (born in '33) used to say he'd been "dicked by the dangling dong of destiny" when something went wrong that was out of his control. - mourninglark
"The devil's been beatin' his wife"- when the sun is out but it's still raining. I heard this a lot growing up but apparently some people have never heard of it? - confused_enby102
Went into a speed shop the other day and overheard the shop owner talking to someone on the phone. Man was 60+ and said un-ironically "Catch ya on the flip side Daddio" to end the conversation he was having. - ampd1450
My Grandma didn’t catch on to any meaning of gay other than joyful until about 2010. - ecthelion78