
Dude Gets Fired from Job That Isn’t His

Something seems a bit fishy here, but we'll let you be the judge.

This one comes to us from u/nlangevin and it's a wild one. Imagine a Walmart manager forcing you into a meeting, yelling at you for 'upstaging' her, and subsequently firing you. Plot twist; you don't actually work for Walmart.

That's exactly what happened to this dude. This might also be a warning not to wear a blue shirt and khakis to a place that requires their employees to wear a blue shirt and khakis to every shift.

To this guy's credit, he easily could've said 'f**k off, I don't work here' at any point in time during this whole story. But he played along. Long enough that he ACTUALLY got fired from a job that wasn't even his.

Is the story based in reality? Probably. Did he really go through all of this trouble just to get fired by a power-tripping manager? Who knows. I do think there were multiple times in this ordeal that he could've easily walked away. Or at the very least, clarified that he wasn't actually an employee of the store, but there doing another job. Again, we'll let you decide. What do you think?

Real or fake?
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