
Waiter Complains to Law Firm After Large Group Doesn't Tip, They Get Him Fired Instead

Being a server is a hard gig, especially when you get duped out of a massive tip by a bunch of lawyers who definitely have the money to pay it. That's what happened to one server who recounted their story on the r/ServerLife subreddit. The lawyers allegedly claimed that they were not allowed to tip off of their company card. 

Taking the advice of the pro-server subreddit, OP decided to get a little revenge and contact the law firm to report the incident. Except, they found out the hard way that a bunch of lawyers are not the best group to challenge when it comes to issues of legality and morality. The result? A threat to the restaurant that cost the server their job. 

Here is the story, and the supposedly helpful comments that led to this server's doom. 



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