America's Leading Infectious Disease Expert Goes For a Walk, Accompanied by Two Armed Guards

Dr. Anthony Fauci, America's leading physician on infectious diseases, has served as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984. Dr Fauci has advised six presidents while in his role at the NIH and has over the years maintained a below the radar public persona. But that all changed. Now Dr Fauci is a house-hold name. He even has his own security detail, thanks to all the death threats he received this year.

60 Minutes aired a segment with Dr Fauci over the weekend and footage showed him and his wife out for a walk with their two new security guards. If your thinking it's just another "media setup", ask yourself this. Why would a Dr need security guards? How does a DOCTOR become political? Yeah yeah, blah blahh, something about HIV, blahh blahh. The answer, is Trump. No one knew Fauci, no one cared who he was before Trump. Sure maybe some people knew, but not your average Joe and Nancy. But now, the poor dude can't go for a run because he's afraid someone might kill him. Very cool America.

It was first reported back in April that Facui had 'beefed up' his security detail after receiving a wave of death threats. We hope Dr Fauci can slide back into nerd obscurity and that those who wish him wash their hands and stay home if they feel sick.
Trump mocks Biden for promising to listen to Dr. Fauci and the science on COVID.
— Pod Save America (@PodSaveAmerica) October 19, 2020
"He'll listen to the scientists. If I listened to the scientists, we'd have a country in a massive depression instead of - we're like a rocket ship."
We're not like a rocket ship.