
Unhinged Client Thinks He Can Keep Video After Refund, Thinks Again

Here we have a story from the murky, confusing waters of the freelancer's life. As anyone who's worked freelance early in their career can attest to, dealing with faceless clients through pixels on your computer is -- unsurprisingly -- rather inhumane. Not 'inhumane' in the 'I'm going to torture you until you give us the launch codes' way, more 'inhumane' in the 'this is not how human beings were designed to interact' way.

Afterall, what's to stop someone from accepting your work and then... well, disappearing. That's the question this freelancer had to confront when a client, clearly unhinged and unwell, decided they could get a refund for their video and then go ahead and use it anyway.

Much to said client's dismay, you don't get to eat your lunch without paying for it, even when that lunch is the hard work of a freelance animator and video producer. Ah, the entitlement.


Here we have a story from the murky, confusing waters of the freelancer's life. As anyone who's worked freelance early in their career can attest to, dealing with faceless clients through pixels on your computer is -- unsurprisingly -- rather inhumane. Not 'inhumane' in the 'I'm going to torture you until you give us the launch codes' way, more 'inhumane' in the 'this is not how human beings were designed to interact' way.

Afterall, what's to stop someone from accepting your work and then... well, disappearing. That's the question this freelancer had to confront when a client, clearly unhinged and unwell, decided they could get a refund for their video and then go ahead and use it anyway.

Much to said client's dismay, you don't get to eat your lunch without paying for it, even when that lunch is the hard work of a freelance animator and video producer. Ah, the entitlement.





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