Short Horror Stories That Stare at Us While We’re Sleeping
zachnading Published 03/31/2022
Telling scary stories is a tough art form in itself. But sometimes the shorter, the better.
We've reached out to Redditors who have told some of the most bone-chilling, and straight up horrifying scary stories in just two sentences.
We've got everything from ghost stories, to manipulative family members, to phone calls that make us want to toss our cells in the garbage. If it's going to fuel our nightmares, it's most likely on this list.
The trick to writing a good horror story isn't just the content. Obviously a horror story has to include inherently scary subject matter. But it's all about the one-two punch. That's why I personally enjoy the two sentence format. You have the setup and then the twist.
Don't believe us? Give this gallery a read. As we all know Reddit's a scary enough site as is, so what better place to source good horror from? Good luck kicking that insomnia tonight. I suggest sleeping with the TV on.
We've reached out to Redditors who have told some of the most bone-chilling, and straight up horrifying scary stories in just two sentences.
We've got everything from ghost stories, to manipulative family members, to phone calls that make us want to toss our cells in the garbage. If it's going to fuel our nightmares, it's most likely on this list.
The trick to writing a good horror story isn't just the content. Obviously a horror story has to include inherently scary subject matter. But it's all about the one-two punch. That's why I personally enjoy the two sentence format. You have the setup and then the twist.
Don't believe us? Give this gallery a read. As we all know Reddit's a scary enough site as is, so what better place to source good horror from? Good luck kicking that insomnia tonight. I suggest sleeping with the TV on.