
Twitter Tells Men, "Don't Lean In" You Beta Males

Is it gay to hug women? If you listen to Twitter, 'leaning into a woman' can be seen as weak and needy, so if you are thinking about doing that, don't. And instead of becoming a beta male, try being alpha like these dudes. But maybe you're one of the lucky guys who already understand women, in which case we have nothing to offer you, except congratulations.


Twitter has a weird fetish where everyone who uses the app is either insane or dumb, so when we found this little gem it was a sign that both of these communities had come together. Here is a picture of Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson (who played "The Mountain" in Game of Thrones) putting his arm around his wife Kelsey Henson. 'The Mountain' as we will call him is one of if not the strongest man in the world. And here he is, leaning towards his wife, because he is weak and needy. Or so Twitter would have you think.


The Twitter account Rivelino started this whole ordeal with that first tweet, but later sent home his message with this classic John Lennon and Yoko Ono picture, which has long been poked at as a sign John lost his way. But also by 'men's rights' bros who think he proves he's a beta male? Like one of the most talented artist of his time and one of the richest, could even be beta if he tried?


But alas, the posting did not stop there. The truth behind sexual polarity is this, the female wants to lean into the male. And if you take this to mean that men can never 'physically' lean into a woman for fear of being seen as weak is well, hilarious. And of course Twitter saw it for the joke it was and ran with it, while others got all upset, because well ya, hugging women is very gay!





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