
Twitter Ignites With More Fake Melania Hysteria

People who hate the President love to insinuate that he often replaces Melania with a body-double, because it feeds their narrative that she doesn't want to be around him. Which hey, might be true, but that doesn't mean they would hire a body double ya dolts.


A photo of Trump and Melania reignited a long running conspiracy theory, that claims the Trump's use a Melania body-double, for when the First Lady doesn't want to be around the President. The claims have always been bogus and with this weekends re-imagination of the theory, we can once and for all put them to bed.


People zoomed in on the picture and decided they saw someone else instead of Melania. Though it looks exactly like Melania Trump, some people thought otherwise. I guess if you stretch your eye and consider the angle, it maybe looks like she has a different chin, but if you Googled you'd find a picture of her from minutes earlier, where . . .


The 'woman in question', is without a doubt Melania Trump. So no, the Trump's don't use body-doubles, at least not that we know of. But still that didn't stop people from believing it.


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