
George Lucas Reveals What the 'Spice' Han Solo Was Smuggling Actually Is

Every 'Star Wars' fan knows that Han Solo was a smuggler or 'spicerunner' as he was called in the film (and, of course, that he made the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs). However, a lot of people don't actually know what 'spice' actually refers to within the 'Star Wars' universe. Is it a seasoning? A valuable resource of some sort? Is it... drugs?

Yes. Turns out it is drugs. As this fascinating Tumblr thread reveals, this question was actually quite controversial and needed to be taken all the way to the very top - George frickin' Lucas himself - to get a definitive answer. Personally, I'd still find it hilarious if Han was just carrying insane amounts of paprika, but whatever.
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