This Teenage Girl Nearly Died In An Attempt To Be Popular
19 year old Ellen Lietzow is a former Anorexia sufferer who came close to death when she refused to eat or drink anything as a result of wanting to be more popular with the kids at school.
Ellen, then 17, refused to let even a drop of water touch her lips during the height of her struggle with anorexia.
"I wanted to stay skinny just to be accepted by everyone. I had gained so many friends when I lost weight during my swimming and everyone complimented me. I thought, if I quit swimming I am going to have to keep that low weight so that people would still want to be my friends, because if I gain weight no one would want to be my friend anymore."
Elle said: "My life has changed since my recovery. Now I'm social, I go out with friends and I don't isolate myself. "