
25 Things We’re Sick of Hearing About

Before you make the 'eBaum's World should be on this list' joke, we just made it for you.

By now, we all know we won't be getting flying cars anytime soon. Still, though, we usually expect the future to get better by the day. Despite this, some things that have been around FOREVER just won't go away.

Thanks to Reddit, we've collected the worst offenders.
1. Cereal bags that aren't re-sealable. -u/Brewer1056
2. Scam calls. Please make them stop. -u/Agitated_Pin_6145
3. Pop-up ads. Like, who still falls for that? -u/DoggyMcDogDog
4. MLMs/Pyramid schemes. How do these still work on people? -u/Zapejo
5. Keith Richards. -u/jayzedandconfused
6. McAfee "antivirus." That sh*t is malware, and has been malware for years...yet it comes pre-installed on almost every PC. -u/iLikeTorturls
7. Ticketmaster. How in the living hell have they not had a decent competitor that charges lower rates yet? -u/Taynt42
8. 1040 forms. They know what I earned. -u/Bullyoncube
9. Fax machines. -u/eh_pinkachou
10. Flat Earth Society. -u/CheerfulFlame
11. The Sims 4. The most recent pack was actually a literal scam, like it completely broke weddings. People with that pack have to get their Sims eloped now. -u/Ok_Context_7495
12. The Simpsons. -u/ZanderRan286
13. Slavery. Human trafficking. All the bad stuff. -u/SEND_ME_DANK_MAYMAYS
14. The Kardashians having a show. -u/MelloMejo
15. Mainframe COBOL. -u/atomicsnarl
16. Internet with data caps. -u/kristofurr87
17. Physicians who dismiss endometriosis and say it's in your head. -u/ErdenGeboren
18. My will to live. -u/FutureSecond6077
19. 40 hour work weeks. -u/ShittyAssholeCrust
20. Pennies! we got rid of the half penny because it was useless. I figured this would happen to the penny too because it's more expensive to manufacture than they're worth. -u/ProtocolPhilosopher
21. Two-party political system. -u/PhatBallllzAtHotmail
22. Why do airports still relay important flight information over a sh*tty speaker system in a loud airport where you can never hear unless you are 10 feet from the desk. Everything should be instant push notifications to your phone. -u/PokemonNovice
23. Nazis. We literally had a war about this. Whole world was involved and collectively said f*ck off, but here we are. -u/SpiritOne
24. Single-use plastics. We know better, why don't we do better? -u/Parakiet20
25. A minimum wage of $7.25 an hour. -u/ToxicFuel
Categories: Wtf Facepalm Wow Celebs

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