
20 Things the Rest of the World Isn’t Ready To Hear From Americans

We often hear about America from the rest of the world. And the picture they paint isn't pretty.

However, America has a few harsh truths for the rest of the world. Check out our list and be sure to spread the word to your international friends.


The use of the Metric System is way more prevalent than you think. -u/Foresight2187


We do stupid sh*t. But thankfully we don't think shark fins will make our d*cks bigger. -u/riedmae


We have more cities than New York, LA, and Miami. It's not just these 3 places and the rest is flyover country. Also, our country is HUGE. The bigger states, like mine (PA), you can drive for 6 hours in one direction and still be in the same state.

I remember my family had to tell an English couple that was going to be in Erie for a week or two that we wouldn't be able to meet them for tea since we're on the opposite side of the state. That goes for flights, too; you won't be able to visit New York, LA, and Miami all in one or two weeks. -u/_Ping_-



McDonald’s is not the only building in America. -u/grimgrum420


Despite there being an obesity epidemic, there are many MANY children who are hungry. Unfortunately, the foster care system is a worse outcome sometimes. We have many, many hungry children. -u/RioBlue93


California has the 5th largest economy in the world. -u/Warkitz


America is not as exclusive and xenophobic as you might think. Nearly anyone of any origin can come here and be considered American. Whereas if you visit a lot of other countries no matter how much you know about or appreciate their culture, or how long you have lived there, they will never consider you one of them. -u/xthesavior


We have a buttload of fresh water. When the climate crisis is in full impact, we will still have usable water in the country. -u/MorbidMunchkin


Many of y’all are just as f*cked up, we’re just louder. -u/SemiSweetStrawberry



Not all Americans have money. Most don't. -u/Passion-Interesting


Most of you guys are getting pretty fat too. -u/davidellis23


People immigrate here for a reason. -u/joshua070


There's an awful lot of people who describe Americans as dumb or uncultured, and seem to be completely unaware of the sheer quantity of American tech and cultural exports they consume on a daily basis.

What they don't seem to get is that American culture has become so dominant and ubiquitous, that it's just assumed to be the "standard". It's especially amusing when these criticisms of Americans as "dumb" are written in the comment sections of websites founded and based in the US like Reddit or YouTube. -u/tennisdrums



Twitter/Reddit are probably the worst representation of American culture possible. Life outside these two platforms are completely different no matter what way you spin it. The reason being, extremist opinions are the ones that get the most fake internet points, so that's all you will ever see. -u/WRiPSTER


Most New Yorkers aren't psychopaths. All of us are. -u/You8mypizza


Henry Winkler gets even cooler after 'Happy Days.' -u/myclueis



I went to Italy and there was a restaurant selling "American pizza" which was pizza with french fries hot dogs and more ranch than pizza. He said it's authentic American pizza and it's how everyone eats pizza over there. I told him I'm from America and I've never once seen anyone eat that...He told me I was wrong and it's how all Americans eat pizza. Y'all are crazy too. -u/Arik_the_Bruce


M*A*S*H is better without the laugh track. -u/McFlyFarm


27 U.S. states are actually farther north than the southern most point of Canada. -u/Clemburger



Children are not our retirement fund. -u/TheeAngelness


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