
The Worst Week Ever - Don't Fall for the Bait

Here on ‘The Worst Week Ever’, we look at the worst, the best, and anything else that happened this week, we didn’t get a chance to cover. If you want to send tips or comments, here, and to check out last week’s blog here.



Another week another collection of things we love to hate. This week’s lesson plan is bait and how to avoid it. But first another failed art restoration. Have we all gone full Mr. Bean? Botched restorations don’t hit like they used to. What once made us cringe, now makes us scoff. Really, Spain, you’ve gone it again? At this rate, by the year 2030, all public artworks in the Mediterranean will look like those photoshop renders Dads make of their kid's shitty animal drawings. And we will deserve it.


states favorite fast food - 000 Lights, Camera, Pod Here are America's favorite Food Chains by states. What is your state's favorite? America'S Favorite Food Chains Based on 2020 data from the Public Information and Statistics Society Login Nout M Dunkin

International fast-food day was this week, which allowed Barstool Sports to share their fake, “America’s Favorite Food Chains” list. And just like last year, everyone took the bait. It’s a great bait-post because everyone has their own opinion on what fast-food is best and those opinions are often shared by region. So it really hit people where it hurt. Here in New York, where I am, Sabaro started trending because New Yorkers were wondering who among us would actually eat that crap. We’re sure people in your state did the same. So beware next time international Fast-food day comes around because you’ll see this post again.


According to Business Insider, the real map looks like this.



Sad news for bird lovers, because according to ScienceDaily, the Great Tit, a bird in the tit family Paridae, “will simply disappear by the year 2100” as a result of unmitigated climate change. Scientists say it will be because the great tit will lose access to enough food to properly feed their young. The headline, of course, caught the eye of many, as it is funny, (tits) but sadly the great tit is one of many species set to go extinct in the next eighty years. So enjoy them while they last, however, you enjoy great tits, because they won’t be around much longer.


In tech news, Twitter released a new product this week called, ‘Fleets’, which is a story styled feature that allows users to post images and videos that will be deleted after 24hrs. Which would be really cool if the year were 2014, but it’s not and most people really couldn’t give a shit. Most people want an edit button, but let’s be honest, that’s never going to happen. So instead all your social media apps are essentially the same now. Like drawers in a dresser. The shirts are Instagram, the pants and shorts, Twitter, and the crusty sock gathering dust beneath it is Facebook.


We have circled back to dress discourse. Last time it was what color is this dress? Now it’s Western society cannot maintain if men are going to wear dresses. And the people, on both sides, know you really care about your opinions, so they use them to rile you up against one another.




In particular, the ‘social-political influencer’ Candace Owens, who makes a living going viral for her very contrarian opinions, had something to say. Candace Owens, the political influencer who I regret giving oxygen, here and now, was trending this week for a comment she made about East vs West culture, and how Harry Styles wearing a dress in Vogue is somehow subliminal messaging that men are ‘weak’ in ‘Western’ society.



The dress talk is something I have trouble engaging with. Mostly because it’s entirely contrived, from inception to criticism. Criticizing Harry Styles for wearing a dress in a Vogue shoot, is about as ‘critically aware’ as we get these days. It’s an ad, and not that ads don’t tell us things about ourselves and how we think, they do, but this particular ad is purely business.




We’ll save you much of the drama, but regiments on both sides of the culture war enlisted their battalions and met in the open fields of Twitter. Celebs and the like came to Harry’s defense, while, Ben Shapiro, Ted Cruz, and some retired reliever for the Marlin’s came to Owens’. Here’s a thought, don’t engage with people telling you what to think or do. If they’re being a contrarian it’s because they have nothing else to offer. So save your knees and dunk on those who deserve it.




If Donald Trump somehow manages to stay in office, you can kiss this country good-bye. That’s not a threat, just an observation. And the longer he hangs on, ie a pay per view stream of him being escorted out of the WH, the worse things will be after he does leave. So hey, you think things are bad now? Just you wait.


*Sweating Increases*



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