
25 Celebrities Who Got Away With Committing Crimes

Every day, there are new celebrity scandals. And that makes it harder to keep track of for average fans.

In fact, there are some insane celeb crimes most of us have forgotten about. Which celebs are we talking about? Keep reading to discover the answers!


Tom Cruise uses slave labor provided by the Church of Scientology to take care of his personal needs and has never once faced legal repercussions for human trafficking nor wage theft.-u/hockey_stick


Didn’t that nut case Shia Ledouche beat the hell out of some dude for the hat he was wearing? I don’t think he served time for that.-u/tdmmnnl


Definitely the R. Kelly sh*t. The fact that when I was in secondary school there were jokes about him peeing on girls and it was just taken as banter. -u/notimeforhaste



Takeshi 69 doing some disgusting sh*t with a kid and somehow got out of prison soon after and going straight back to making music and even collaborating with other rappers.Yet the only problem I hear people say about him is he "snitched". Gotta love the priorities -u/TheNameless00


Marcos Alonso, Chelsea footballer - drove drunk, speeding, crashed and killed a young woman.He got a suspended sentence, a small fine, and a short driving ban.There’s a reason rival football fans chant “Marcos Alonso, you know what you did!” -u/qbnaith


Steven Tyler convinced the parents of a 14 year old groupie to sign over her guardian rights to him, essentially adopting her and then dating her at the same time. But wait, there’s more…he eventually gets her pregnant and then forces her to get an abortion.I don’t know if any criminal action was taken against him, but it’s still super messed up.-u/ohvaez


Vince Neil from Motley Crue killing another musician by driving drunk and doing no jail time-u/Commercial_Reveal_14


Bill Wyman from the Rolling Stones raping Mandy Smith when she was thirteen. He was forty-seven. He said in his biography - 'She took my breath away - she was a woman at thirteen'.Piss-poor word choice.-u/ArthurPounder


Karl Malone impregnated a 13 year old at the age of 20. Also refused to pay 125 dollars a week in child support, though I'm not sure if it was this child or from another woman but most people still just remember him as being the mailman from the 90s.-u/bshok



Chris Brown not only beat but strangled Rihanna while threatening to kill her and he still sells out entire stadiums.-u/puddlespuddled


Roman Polanski f*cking kids and not being allowed in the US due to an outstanding arrest warrant for f*cking kids? He was applauded at the academy a few years back.-u/Catdaddy33


Indian superstar Salman Khan has hit and run charges, killed endangered animals and has ruined the career of his ex girlfriend's new boyfriend. He got acquitted from all the trials, makes one character cleansing film a year and people forget who he is.-u/BiggerButterBatter


Pro skater Danny Way helped beat a guy to death because the guy was gay.-u/coyotiii



James Charles solicited underage boys and tried to fly them out to meet him. He’s a predator but he is funny so it’s totally okay-u/comeformecuzimright


Teddy Kennedy drunk driving a young lass to her watery death at Chappaquiddick.-u/Successful_Gap8927


Kirk Douglas (probably) raped a 14-year-old Natalie Wood. Her mother apparently told her to hush it up. He also (possibly) murdered an old girlfriend. They never found her body.-u/KidsTheseDaysYknow



Dr. Dre's history of abuse is often overlooked and people just admire his money.-u/Pontus_Pilates


I don't think he was ever arrested but wasn't Paul Walker dating under-age girls for the better part of a decade? One was 100% confirmed.-u/Shroom4Yoshi


He has finally gotten the Me Too treatment, but Woody Allen had standing accusations of molesting his adopted child for 25 years, and went through a very public separation from Mia Farrow to marry her adopted daughter. These were ignored for a very long time because he was pumping out movies annually, and everyone loved him-u/missionman77



That piece of sh*t dog fighter Michael Vick.-u/Chiiaaa


Pretty sure Ben Roethlisberger raped a woman in a bathroom.-u/djjd1996


Christopher Walken and Robert Wagner's roles in the death of Natalie Wood-u/deathfaces



There's the numerous musicians from the 1950s-1980s who knowingly raped young teenage girls. This isn't even a case of changing standards. Even back then some of what these guys were doing was thought badly of. Elvis was criticized for marrying a 14-year-old girl. Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin) had a 14-year-old girl kidnapped and "dated" her for two years.-u/water_bottle1776


Andy Dick regularly seems to sexually assault people on film. He also has a bunch of public urination situations including in front of little kids. Somehow that guy is still a free man and not behind bars.-u/Ganja420Preneur


Matthew Broderick killed someone in a car crash when he was being clearly negligent-u/sorryladiesiamtaken

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