The Struggle is Real: 34 Irritating Aspects of Human Interaction
Life as pleasant and peaceful as it can be at times is often filled with situations that range from mildly annoying to full-blown rage-inducing. It might be a selfish or obnoxious person you run across or a poorly designed product that doesn't work at all like it is advertised. Either way, check out this list of people, products, and situations that ticked people off.

Life as pleasant and peaceful as it can be at times is often filled with situations that range from mildly annoying to full-blown rage-inducing. It might be a selfish or obnoxious person you run across or a poorly designed product that doesn't work at all like it is advertised. Either way, check out this list of people, products, and situations that ticked people off.
"Instead of rinsing his cup between drinks, my boyfriend will just refill it with whatever since it “mixes in his stomach anyway”. pictured is his glass of “water” after milk and oreos."
"My wife's bedside table. You literally have to get up and leave the room to get another bottle so why not get rid of some of the empties?"
My wife just throws her kitchen scraps in the sink instead of the trashcan because "the disposal can handle it." The sink disposal is not a trashcan, right??
My dogs vet put him on a restricted diet because he's older. My wife keeps giving him meat and sneaking it into the food I make for him.