The Reaction GIFs

Funny gifs that illustrate our reactions to everyday life.  From dodging a bullet with an ex-girlfriend to catching your favorite TV show, this gallery has something for everyone!

1. When someone introduces me to a good looking female.
2. Leaving a room full of people after letting out a fart.
3. Saying bye to a girl after the first date.
4. When I get home just as my favorite TV show starts.
5. When I get invited to do something I dont want to do, but cant think of an excuse.
6. Whenever I Heard Someone Swear In 3rd Grade.
7. When I get gas and stop right on the dollar.
8. When I realize the magnitude of the work I've put off until Sunday night.
9. When a girl likes my profile picture.
10. How I look to my girlfriend if I actually put away the dishes.
11. When the clock hits 5pm on Friday and I'm in the middle of work.
12. When I go to Home Depot and I dont need to ask for assistance.
13. When I realized I was on the wrong bus on the way to a final exam.
14. Sitting at the movie theater, when a group of middle-schoolers walks in.
15. When someone says a really offensive joke that I think is hilarious.
16. How I imagine the Red Bull marketing team.
17. Taking a shit at my friends house right before I leave.
18. When a girl tells me she likes it rough.
19. Sitting in the middle of campus watching girls pass by in hot yoga pants and short shorts.
20. Listening to a friend talk about their awesome vacation.
21. When I unexpectedly see some boobs in a movie.
22. When Im sober in a club.
23. When my boss tells me I can leave early.
24. When my gay brother-in-law compliments me on my clothes.
25. When Im still in line at McDonald's and I see the manager change the menu from breakfast to the regular menu.
26. Whenever my drunk friend is around black people.
27. My ex got pregnant with her new boyfriend. Her parents have no clue. It just hit Facebook.
28. Getting laid for the first time in almost 7 months.
29. When I cant sleep on a hot night.
30. Finding out your ex developed mental health issues.
31. When I try to reference something before 1995 and no one gets it.
32. Every time I check my bank account.
33. When your friend introduces you to someone for the first time, and then leaves to take a phone call
34. When I go to click on a tab and accidentally close it instead.
35. When my boss comes to check up.
36. When my roommate informed me his little sisters friend wants to have her 18th birthday party at our house and invite all her friends.
37. When I realize Im the only one laughing at my joke.
38. When I find out the girl I like has a boyfriend.
39. When a person with more than 15 items gets in the express lane.
40. When I realize that I forgot about the can of soda I put in the freezer yesterday.
41. When I suddenly realize a joke is being made at my expense.
42. When someone wont shut up in the library during finals week.
43. When Im at a club with my girlfriend and some dude asks her Whats up?
44. When I type a large word during an essay and the red squiggly line doesn't show up under it.

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