The Most Painful Torture Devices of The Middle Ages

The Judas Cradle: The Judas cradle was a pyramid-shaped and sharpened device, upon which a victim was lowered via ropes. As the victim was lowered, the device would slowly tear open their anus, vulva or scrotum. Though the device is often attributed to the Spanish Inquisition, there is evidence that it existed before this time as part of carnival sideshows.

The Saw: Victims of this method were hung by their feet or hands, or strapped to a table and cut in two by the slow and repetitive sawing motion. The condemned were either cut horizontally across the torso or vertically (torturer's choice).
Breast Ripper Or The Spider: Women accused of adultery, abortion or any other crime were subjected to this painful torture of this device. As the name suggests, the claw-like device, which ended in spikes, was heated and then used to rip off or shred a woman’s breasts. The spider was a variant, attached to a wall instead of clamped onto a woman’s breasts.
The Rack: Probably the most commonly known torture device from the Middle Ages, the rack was a wooden platform with rollers at both ends. The victim’s hands and feet were tied to each end, and the rollers would be turned, stretching the victim’s body to deadly lengths.