
The Highlights and Lowlights of CES 2025

The Consumer Electronics Show was this week, and all the coolest and weirdest pieces of tech that will be on sale soon were shown off.

As A.I. has entered the mainstream and continues to evolve, CES was all about the bots. Some of them are cool, some are stupid, and some of them are deeply unsettling. A cool nurse robot was unveiled, an awesome cyberpunk turtle and a dead-eyed “girlfriend” robot made her creepy, uncanny debut.

Aside from the introduction of the beings that will one day rule over us, there were also flying cars, crazy massage chairs, underwater construction vehicles, and a terrifying mask to make you look younger.

The future is here, and it’s incredibly weird.

1. R2D3 Cleaning Robot

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2. Pollen Robotics “Reachy 2” For Office Work

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3. XPeng AeroHT’s modular flying car



4. Tomo Piano Playing Robot

5. TCL’s Ai Me, Child Emotional Support Robot

6. FuFu, Coffee Cooling Robot

7. Q9 Self-Driving AI Home Hub

8. Howard, Robot Lawnmower

9. Aptera Three Wheeled Car


10. Richtech “ADAM” Bartender Robot

11. Tombot Robot Dog

12. Beatbot Amphibious RoboTurtle

13. Samsung’s “Ballie” Robot Household Assistant


14. LOONA “Petbot”

15. Mirokai Nursing Home Robot

16. CryoGlow Cooling Mask


17. Realbotix “Aria”, Robot Girlfriend

18. Bodyfriend Robot Massage Chair

19. Aurzen ZIP Projector


20. Roborock Saros Z70, Robot Vacuum with Arms

21. Komatsu Underwater Excavator

22. Coldsnap Home Ice Cream Maker


23. Rictor “Skyrider X1”

24. E-SKIMO Electric Skis

25. LISSOME R1 Portable Dishwasher


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