24 Things That Make Living In America Great
America is often the world's punching bag thanks to our craziest people and politicians. But there is so much more to the country than that!
Don't believe it? Here is a roundup of the best things about living in America. Reading this is guaranteed to change how you see the good old US of A!

I can smoke legal weed on my way to have legal gay sex and I don’t have to worry about being macheted to death or thrown off a building.-u/junk_science

Every time I step foot outside the US the smell of cigarettes is everywhere. They really did an amazing job with the anti-smoking campaign here.-u/Plussydestroyer

America is often the world's punching bag thanks to our craziest people and politicians. But there is so much more to the country than that!
Don't believe it? Here is a roundup of the best things about living in America. Reading this is guaranteed to change how you see the good old US of A!
Honestly, if I had to pick the #1 thing, I'd say the open space. The USA has so much open space that we've carved off enormous parts of the continent to permanently be just open space. -u/McFeely_Smackup
Wheelchair accessibility. As someone who uses a wheelchair for all ambulation, I can say the US has a leg up on that compared to the other countries that I have been to.-u/hisamsmith
National and state parks National parks are beloved destinations for both citizens and visitors from around the world, even more people visit the state parks. With sweeping vistas, stunning forests and incredible wildlife, amazing hiking and camping adventure, parks are one of the brightest jewels of America.-u/SuvenPan
I like the diversity of the landscape & natural world. I’ve been to mountains & deserts & mountains in deserts. Been to the ocean with a sandy beach, to lakes with sandy beaches, to lakes with rocky beaches. Been to the woods & to forests. I’ve seen so many different native plants, all kinds of animals, & bugs. It’s pretty cool.-u/ghosts-go-boo
Plenty of densely forested areas to hide in after the apocalypse if you know where to live. Also, corn. Love me some cornbread.-u/amillefolium11
Our grocery stores stay open really late. On the east coast, it's until 11 or 12 at night. On the west, it's 24 hours in some places.This is, in all seriousness, the thing I love most about my country.-u/ThatDismalGiraffe
I was very young when my parents and I immigrated here, and I have far more opportunities here than I would in India. So I’m very thankful for that.-u/sunsetskye_
The "American spirit," not in the sense of patriotism, but in the sense that people who live here have a certain.....gumption.....to get things done no matter the cost.-u/The_Poster_Nutbag
After watching what's happening to Ukraine, it's nice to know we'll never be physically invaded. It would be nothing short of a suicide mission for anyone that tried.-u/berwak
The people here are actually very nice. There are a few turds that make us look bad, but most people are friendly and helpful.-u/Actuaryba
I have never faced repercussions for criticizing our leaders or government. The diversity is pretty cool. I have lived my whole life in the northeast, and pretty much any given day I could meet someone from literally any country on the planet. That diversity brings a really tasty variety of cuisine. We have a lot of coastline for beachgoers, mountains for fun in the snow, prairies for prairies stuff.-u/TheShoot141
You can speak English with a heavy accent and still be seen as fully American.-u/liberalvenery
I can talk smack about the president and not get arrested and disappeared. So that's pretty nice.-u/Its_All_True
I can wear what I want. Sure, I have strict parents at the age of about to be 21. But coming from the middle east, most people don't realize the blessing we have here to be able to wear shorts or jeans or tank tops-u/DarkenedProdigy
Not American but I’ve lived in the US for 15 years. As an outsider:-closets. I love all the built-in closets. I was never a wardrobe fan.-separate laundry areas.-that most housing is detached. On the one hand, it does mean a huge reliance on cars. On the other hand, I never ever hear my neighbors.-accessibility of toilets is a heck of a lot better than any other country I have visited. During the day I can usually rely on finding a Target or Starbucks or something. Even if I have to buy something to use it they’re easier to find than in Europe.-the casual way everyone dresses. My fashion-conscious friend is appalled but especially as a parent I appreciate that I can dash out in my PJs if I really, really need to.-convenience. Every time I visit my family now I forget that not all shops are open until 9/10 pm. I also live in Washington state currently and have developed a deep love for all the coffee stands around here.-u/anyaplaysfates
Our wide-eyed optimism, self-sufficiency, and inherent distrust of government.-u/Straight_Medium2988