
25 Honest Reasons People Refuse to Have Kids

From movies and TV shows to friends and family, we are surrounded by people who want us to have kids. But is that really the best choice?

As it turns out, there are plenty of good reasons to not have children. Here are the best ones to bust out next time someone asks you about having kids!


I think having children isn't something you do because you don't have a reason not to. I would have children if I had a really good reason to, and I don't. It's an important, life-changing decision that involves an innocent person being brought into the world. I don't think I should do that just because might as well.-u/DM_Rexy


I'm selfish when it comes to my quiet time. I love being alone.-u/Worried_Jaguar_912


I am physically disabled with a genetic circulation condition. I don't want to pass my condition onto others, and the physical aspects of raising children would be too much strain on me.-u/odysseyshot



Expensive, plus being a teacher, I have seen enough and don't want to come home to deal with more kids.-deleted user


I like my own personal space.-u/NotYourAverage666


Because I genuinely would not be happy with kids. I strongly believe that all kids deserve to be wanted, but not all people deserve to be parents.-u/Express_Topic_4081


I have no desire to raise a child, or care for one, or be responsible for one. I am lazy, I can take care of myself just fine, but the extra work to raise a child for something I don't want isn't worth it. I want financial freedom, freedom to make spontaneous decisions, children wouldn't allow for that-u/haircatmoon


They grow up and tell you what you did wrong.-u/badbarn85


I refuse to f*ck up a child as badly as my parents f**ked me up, and I don't think I could cope with being responsible for an infant or a toddler. Also, my genes aren't worth passing on.-u/darthfruitbasket



gestures broadly-u/lasagnaromance


I don't want them to suffer-u/Responsible-Page-344


They’re expensive, loud, time-consuming, and don’t smell good.Plus I don’t feel like putting my body through a year of physical hell just to follow it up with 18 years of putting my goals and career to the side to make sure it doesn’t stick a fork in a socket or swallow a bee.-u/thatbikerchick51


I never understood why so many want children. Life is a huge adventure without children. With children, it’s a job for twenty years-u/Hotspur2018



In order of justification;-I don’t want to.-I can’t afford to.-There’s already quite a lot of us already.-Global climate change, political instability, and a very uncertain future.-u/Hiding_behind_you


Cause they won't wag their tail on seeing me-u/CryptoNoob2077


Noisy, noisy, and noisy-u/Treeoflifetheory



I can tell my partner I love her more than anyone else in the world and actually mean it.-u/Chrisnolliedelves


Pregnancy is so gross to me-u/CompetitiveVanilla14


I like my time and hobbies. My dad was the same way. Rather than putting his hobbies on hold, he was an absent father. I don't want to have to make that choice in my life.-u/thunder2132



I struggled with mental health for a long time. I don't want to bring someone into this world who might suffer the same way.And I'm alone.-u/reflect-the-sun


They sh*t themselves. They drink too much milk and puke cottage cheese. Annoying most of the time. Can't talk right for like 2-3 years, then they don't make sense for the next 15-20. Expensive as f*ck. There is a chance they hate you and kill you in your sleep.I'd rather be an uncle and call it a day. -u/ASneakyKat


They’re liabilities-u/Disastrous-Resort-45



My cat is demanding and adorable as it is. I’d also take cat scratches and the occasional peed blankets any day over a ruined body and life, lmao-u/stupidmacaroni


My sister had a baby with her boyfriend while she was still living at home and I wanted to kill myself from the baby’s constant crying every hour of the day. No way in hell I would purposely put myself through that again. People with more than one kid are psychos.-u/zeroj20


You could get a yacht, or send a kid to college and pay for at least 18 years worth of food, clothes, and toys… hard choice, right?-u/Extension-Fox2081

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