
The 20 Worst Pieces of 'Star Wars' Merchandise Ever Produced

Despite grossing a combined $10 billion at the box office, the overlords of Lucasfilm — and later Disney — weren't going to let potential profits slip through the fingers of their advanced stabilizer gloves. Enter the world of bizarrely-branded Star Wars merchandise, like BB-8-emblazoned oranges and a $500 Luke Skywalker ski suit.

From prequel-themed air sickness bags to Yoda bath products and even a candy that lets you make out with Jar Jar Binks, here are the 20 worst pieces of Star Wars merch ever produced. 

1. Jar-Jar Binks Lollipop

“A promotional item for ‘Star Wars: Episode I’, this [1999] candy featured the plastic likeness of character Jar-Jar Binks, whose mouth opened to reveal a retractable strawberry-flavored sucker, shaped and textured like his tongue. Delightful.

2. Columbia’s Skywalker Pilot Ski Suit

For the low, low price of $500, you can make your friends and family say “huh?” when you roll up in this neon-orange, Luke Skywalker inspired ski suit.

3. Star Wars R2D2 Screwdriver With 3 Forged Steel Bits

S—w or s—w not, there is no try.


4. The 1977 “Goldenrod”  C-3PO trading card

While that was not a lightsaber in C-3PO’s armor, Star Wars superfans are still happy to see this hilariously raunchy card.

5. Star Wars Episode 1 Watto Koosh Ball Toy Figure

We have no idea Watto was going on with this strange Star Wars toy.

6. Sigma C-3PO Tape Dispenser (1982)

When our parents asked for a ‘Star Wars’ tape, they probably didn’t mean this.

7. Yoda Themed Bubble Bath

Released alongside ‘The Empire Strikes Back’, this 1981 bubble bath will help you realize your dreams of bathing alongside a green, wrinkly Jedi Master.

8. Star Wars DarkSide Electric Shaver 

“When you lose everything… including your beard … that’s when you’re finally free,” or whatever The Stranger said.

9. Hot Wheels '70 Chevelle Delivery, Star Wars The Mandalorian 3/5

As Redditor u/P1_Synvictus so aptly put it, “weird scene to use, weird shot to use, weird car to put it on… it’s all just so perplexing.”


10. Virgin Atlantic’s Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith Airsickness Bag 

Ok, the prequels aren’t that bad.

11. BB-8-branded oranges

These aren’t the droids you’re looking for … They’re a bag of oranges.

12. Padmé Amidala-themed potato chips

We don’t know who thought Queen Amidala-branded potato chips were a good tie in to 1999’s ‘The Phantom Menace,’ but now is a good time to remind ourselves that to be angry is to be human.

13. Slave Leia by Star Wars

Ahhh yes, because who doesn’t want to smell like they’ve been captured by Jabba the Hutt?


14. Baby Yoda Toothpaste Topper

Nothing like brushing your teeth with Grogu puke!

15. Darth Vader Handheld Shower Head

For the lady in your life that really *really* likes Star Wars.

16. Zebco Star Wars Spincast Reel and Fishing Rod Combo

The only connection we can think of is some weird, dark joke about daddy issues.


17. Crocs Star Wars Lined Clogs

You’re heard of Chewbacca, now get ready for Chew-croc-a.

18. Dog AT-AT Costume

Never tell me that odds … that our dogs refuse to wear this horrible costume. 

19. Yoda Magic 8 Ball Fortune Teller

Fear is the path to the dark side … and so is this Yoda-branded magic 8 ball.


20. Star Wars Darth Vader Two-Slice Empire Toaster

Though the Amazon listing says users can “BRING DARTH VADER INTO YOUR KITCHEN,” we’d rather toast our bread with lightsabers.


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