
The 20 Most Frightening Pictures on the Internet

Here are 20 of the scariest pictures found on the internet.


This photo captures a terrorist during the Munich Massacre in 1972


Pacific Southwest Airlines, Flight 182: September 25, 1978.Roughly five seconds to impact in a San Diego suburb after colliding with a Cessna on approach


This mummy was discovered in a drifting ghost-ship.Mummified ship captain was found in a half-submerged ship, which sailed on undiscovered for seven years after his death.



These truly terrifying images look like they should be straight out of a home invasion horror movie.


Kept getting notifications on my app that my doorbell detected a visitor, yet when i checked the first few times nothing appeared, and figured it was maybe a stray dog or someone on the sidewalk being detected by the sensor. Several notifications later I checked again and this is what appeared. Yes I am alive


Decades after its capture, this photo is still used to educate people on the danger of lightning strikes.In 1975 two brothers, Michael(18) and Sean(12) Mcquilken of San Diego ascended up Moro Rock in Sequoia National Park. It was a stormy day and their sister Mary(15) took this photo as they were amused. It began to hail, and as they were descending Sean was struck by lightning.


The Elephant’s Foot: it’s the melted reactor core in Chernobyl. The amount of radiation from it was fatal within a minute and even a short exposure would leave you sick and dizzy for weeks afterward. At the time the picture was taken it would be “safer” to approach but still fatal within 500 seconds.The graininess of the photo is in fact not age, but trace amounts of radiation affecting its quality.


This one is scary because of how normal it seems. It’s the last picture taken of 18-year-old Jolee Callan before her boyfriend shot her twice in the head and pushed her body off the cliff.


The picture of Regina Kay Walters moments before serial killer Robert Ben Rhoades murdered her.



For more context, this photo was taken during the 9/11 terrorist attack, when people began jumping from the top floors of the towers, knowing they weren’t going to survive


The remains of the astronaut Vladimir Komarov, a man who fell from space, 1967. –coxeta Komarov knew the space capsule wasn’t flight-ready, but also knew that if he declined to fly, his backup and best friend Yuri Gagarin would have to make the fatal trip instead. Komarov decided to sacrifice himself, and refused to let Gagarin board the vessel during takeoff. As the capsule inevitably malfunctioned and fell from orbit, with Komarov headed to his doom, US listening posts in Turkey heard him crying in rage and “cursing the people who had put him inside a botched spaceship.”


These photos are stark reminders of the horrors of war.This picture of a shellshocked soldier of WW1


The Hiroshima nuclear shadows. These shadow-imprints were all that remained of many people caught in the horrific WWII bombing of Hiroshima, Japan.



The Ruins of Dresden after WWII gets me every time. It just gives me this weird feeling that’s something in between sorrow and sheer astonishment.


Two people atop a burring windmill hold each other as they face death


A charismatic cult leader caused hundreds of deaths.The haunting pictures of the Jonestown Massacre capture the largest loss of American life due to non-natural causes before 9/11. 909 members of the People’s Temple cult died on the orders of cult leader Jim Jones.



96 people died because of stadium overcrowding in the Hillsborough Disaster. People were forced to climb the fence between the field and stands to escape death by trampling and asphyxiation.


This photo was taken of a vulture stalking a starving child in the Sudan. Thankfully, there is a happy ending: the boy’s name was Kong Nyong, and he survived and recovered from the famine after the picture was taken.


This photo has been used to suggest the possibility of spontaneous human combustion.Pictured above are the remains of Mary Reeser, whose death may have been a case of spontaneous human combustion.



These photos are a mysterious documentation of the last days of two lost hikers.Basically, two girls disappear during a hike in Panama. 10 weeks later, their remains are found, just bone fragments and a few of their equipment is left. There is a camera that has images. It starts off with normal images of the girls playing around as you would on a hike. You can see in the images they get lost at some point. The images abruptly stop after that. About 10 days later, 90 images are taken, most are dark, but a few show rocks and branches. One shows a bloodied hair of one of the girls. The fate of the girls during and after those ten days leading to their deaths remains a mystery

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