
The 10 Weirdest and Ugliest Items Ever Featured On 'Antiques Roadshow'

Contrary to popular misconception, Antiques Roadshow is more than just priceless paintings and elaborate furniture. Just ask any of the folks who brought in these hideous jugs, mysterious bottles and several items that may not be pretty, but are worth a pretty penny. 

From a Magic: The Gathering card set to a literal flask of urine, here are the 10 weirdest and ugliest items ever featured on Antiques Roadshow

1. Won’t You Guide My Show Tonight?

“The only known surviving puppets from the iconic “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” film were rediscovered in 2005 on ‘Antiques Roadshow’. They were stored and forgotten in an attic in disrepair after being given to kids as toys.”

2. A Navajo Blanked with a Butterfly Effect

“A Navajo blanket was appraised on PBS’s 'Antiques Roadshow' for $500,000. After seeing the broadcast, a disabled man realized he had a similar blanket which had been sitting in his closet for 7 years. He took it to an auctioneer and its final bid was $1.5 million.”

3. Chinese Rhinoceros Horn Cups

Valued at roughly $1.5 million, these Rhinoceros horn cups date back to the Quing Dynasty.


4. Expensive Coconuts

Though this varnished coco de mer nut may have been worth anywhere from £3,000 to £5,000, that doesn’t make look any less like someone’s backside.

5. An Ugly Pelican

This pelican statue may not be the most beautiful work of art, but it is most definitely worth a pretty penny, £1,200 to be exact.

6. A Bottle of Urine

Though Andy McConnell may have dubbed the contents of a mystery bottle as port, the reality was a lot grosser: urine and brass pins.

7. Lions and Tigers and Scripts, Oh My!

“Cowardly Lion's movie script from the Wizard of Oz was appraised at $150,000 on Antiques Roadshow in 2013.”

8. An Ugly Jug

“‘The Antiques Roadshow’ appraised a grotesque jug to be worth $50,000, comparing it to a Picasso. Unknown to the appraiser, it was actually made by some random high school kid over 40 years ago. After finding out, he changed his appraisal to $5k, saying it was ‘not bad for a high schooler.’”

9. A Peculiar Picasso

Despite resembling an art school project, this plate is not only the work of Pablo Picasso but is worth an estimated $10,000 - $15,000.


10. 1993 Magic: The Gathering Cards

Want to feel old? These 1993 Magic: The Gathering cards could go anywhere from $65,000 to $100,000.

Categories: Wow History Television

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