
Technician Leaves Mid-Job After Boss Says "No More Overtime"

Despite having done the work of 3 other coworkers who called out that day, his boss said that he just couldn't approve it, so the tech decided "no problem, I'll just leave early on Friday" and panic ensued.


If you have ever worked, then chances are you have had to work through a break or stay late, at some point. It might have been your choice to get things finished or may have been required of you by your superiors. In certain industries and customer service-type jobs, this can occur way too frequently and people often don't get the credit or recognition they deserve for it.

This guy who happened to be a service technician in a telecom company, was informed by his boss that the company would no longer be paying out overtime. Despite having done the work of 3 other coworkers who called out that day, his boss said that he just couldn't approve it, so the tech decided "No problem, I'll just leave early on Friday" and panic ensued.


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