29 Pictures That Technically Tell the Truth
If you ever happen to find yourself in a debate, it is very important that you are not wrong. (That is if your desired outcome from the debate is victory.) You don't necessarily have to be right, as that can often be difficult and subjective to prove. But if you are not wrong, then you have a leg to stand on. Here are 33 pictures, memes, and jokes, that while they might not be completely right, they are most definitely not wrong.
These pictures from r/technicallythetruth are riddled with people who took things quite literally, reading words at their face value, or using logic at its most basic fundamental level. These interpretations will make you laugh, or at the very least re-think your phrasing next time you assign a task. After all, you wouldn't want somebody to do it not right, because they might technically also might not be wrong, and then who's fault would it be really?