
Sixth-Grade Teacher Shags 13-Year-Old Student with the Usual Consequences

This just keeps happening!


A married teacher is accused of having a sexual relationship with a 13-year-old student, according to ABC 15.


Brittany Zamora, 27, is facing nine counts of sexual conduct with a minor, two counts of molestation of a child, and one count of furnishing harmful material to a minor. The victim’s father called police after finding text messages on his son’s social media that indicated sexual misconduct between the suspect and victim.


The allegations happened both on and off the campus of Las Brisas Academy Elementary School in Goodyear, Arizona.Another student is believed to have witnessed Zamora having sex with the victim on campus, according to the TV station, citing court records.“We all had suspicions, because they were really close,” a unnamed student told FOX 10. “I hoped it was just rumors going around school.”The suspect was jailed under a $250,000 bond and ordered to not have contact with any minors.According to FOX 10, the boy’s parents discovered unusual Instagram messages between their son and Zamora. “The boy’s parents found Instagram messages between him and Zamora. In some of the messages, the two stated they missed and loved each other."The teacher and her husband reportedly pleaded with the boy’s father not to go to the authorities and report the case. Zamora reportedly told that parents that she was sorry and “not pregnant.”FOX 10 revealed text messages which includes Zamora allegedly texting the 13-year-old student “if I could quit my job and (deleted) you all day I would.”



Here’s a look at the transcript of an alleged conversation between Zamora and the boy


uh oh

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