Sex Doll Gets Mistaken for a Dead Body on the Side of the Road

A “body” reported near an Ohio forest preserve Thursday afternoon turned out to be a sex doll, police said. County engineers in Colerain said they saw what they thought was a body wrapped in a garbage bag on a hillside near Richard Forest Preserve, Cleveland’s FOX 8 reported. Colerain is about a 25-minute drive north of Cincinnati.
Responding officers initially had trouble getting to the site, WCOP-TV reported. Police called a coroner to the scene.When coroners removed the “body” they found a life-size female sex doll. From a distance, authorities said the doll looked lifelike.
Responding officers initially had trouble getting to the site, WCOP-TV reported. Police called a coroner to the scene. When coroners went to collect the “body” they quickly discovered it was in fact a life-size female sex doll. From a distance, authorities said the doll looked lifelike.