
Complete and Utter Devastation as Semi Truck Driver Kills 4 In Horrific Colorado Crash

A semi driver is facing homicide charges after 4 people were killed in a horrific, fiery crash involving 28 vehicles on a Colorado highway.


The accident occurred on April 25th when a semitrailer traveling at a high rate of speed slammed into several stopped cars during a traffic jam, police said. Four semis and 24 cars were involved in the crash.


A witness said he noticed a semi speeding down the emergency lane before he saw fire, smoke and explosions. "I've never seen that many cars and that much destruction and fire. It was just complete chaos."


A police spokesman said the accident may be the worst in the city's history. "It is true carnage there as far as the debris, what's left of cars and trucks, along with the cargoes that were in the semis."



One driver who narrowly escaped the fire said he saw a man holding a cardboard sign and asking for money rush to the scene and pull people out of the fiery wreckage. "He's definitely a hero - he saved four people's lives."


Rogel Lazaro Aguilera-Mederos, 23, of Texas, is being charged with four counts of vehicular homicide. He was not seriously insured & there was no evidence of drugs or alcohol, and no indication he intentionally caused the crash, officials said.


Six people were taken to hospitals in unknown conditions after the crash Thursday on Interstate 70 in Lakewood, about 8 miles west of Denver.

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