
Real Life Hunger Games to be hosted Russian Billionaire

30 people will fight for survival and $1.65 million, in the freezing cold Siberia, which will be broadcast 24/7.


Novosibirsk entrepreneur Yevgeny Pyatkovsky, a 35 year old billionaire came up with the idea of making the Hunger Games a reality show with real contestants.


The new Russian TV reality show, would be an ultimate 9-month Siberian survival test where people are stranded in remote taiga with bears and wolves in minus 40 Fahrenheit winter.


The online project would be screened 24/7 around the world will see 30 male and female contestants seek to stay alive in wilderness populated with wild animals.



The winner will get 100 million roubles, which is around $1.65 million.


Contestants will be permitted knives, but no guns. While the show allows all kinds of vile things to be done to other participants, they are informed that they will face the legal persecutions of their actions. This prevents the contestants from trying to murder each other, which was one of the earliest concerns about the show.


The contest called 'Game2: Winter' is the brainchild of Novosibirsk entrepreneur Yevgeny Pyatkovsky, who said: "We will refuse any claim of participants even if they were to be killed or raped. We will have nothing to do with this. This will be spelt out in a document to be signed by the participant before the start of the show."


People from all corners of the world will be allowed to participate and he promises broadcasts simultaneously translated in English, French, German, Spanish, Chinese and Arabic. The participants would include 15 men and 15 women.


Their target: to survive until April. All participants will have to sign release of liability for injury and death waivers. Each contestant will be permitted no more than 100 kilograms (220 pounds) of equipment. Melee weapons like knives are allowed, but no guns. Each week participants may request some item from viewers who will be able to donate money for it via the project's website. Purchased items will then be delivered to participants.

Categories: Wow

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