
10 Rock Stars and Celebrities Who Completely Destroyed Hotel Rooms

The only thing more rock n' roll than shredding to a crowd of screaming fans: Trashing a high-end suite. At least that's the philosophy that stars like Lindsay Lohan, Keith Richards, and Billy Idol adopted during some of their now-infamous hotel stays. 

From TV throwing incidents to The Who's lifetime ban from all Holiday Inn hotels, here are 10 rockstars and celebrities who completely destroyed their hotel rooms. 

1. Green Day

The ‘90s rockers took the title of their third album to the next level in 1997, when bassist Mike Dirnt dropped a deuce onto the balcony below the band’s room at the Sunset Marquis. The room in question happened to belong to Juliette Binoche, who in turn, “was so [peeved] she tried to get us thrown out of the hotel,” as Dirnt put it.

2. Martin Sheen

“The famous scene in ‘Apocalypse Now’ where Martin Sheen’s character has a drunken breakdown in a hotel room, was not scripted. One day, Sheen got completely [wasted] and ordered the crew to film him. He got aggressive and started punching out mirrors. Francis Ford Coppola kept rolling.”

3. Lindsay Lohan

Shortly after her Disney days, Lindsay Lohan did a Shutters on the Beach hotel room so dirty, that she was banned from the premises. "Staffers went into clean and were shocked,” one report read at the time. “It was a pigpen. There was filth everywhere and the room stank of cigarette smoke. There was also a ... syringe that someone left lying on the bedside table on a room service tray.”


4. Joe Walsh of The Eagles and John Belushi

“The Eagles' Joe Walsh and John Belushi trashed a Chicago hotel room so badly, it caused $28,000 in damage.”

5. Led Zeppelin

“Led Zeppelin once paid for a hotel employee to fulfill his fantasy of trashing a room where he worked.”

6. The Rolling Stones

In 1972, a very wasted Keith Richards invented a now-classic rockstar move after tossing a TV from the balcony of his hotel room.

7. Billy Idol

“In 1982, rocker Billy Idol was staying at the Chateau Marmont in Hollywood. After Idol destroyed his room, the police arrived, and a naked Idol surrendered. He later learned they were not there for him, but were investigating the recent overdose death of John Belushi, who died that same night.”

8. Zelda Fitzgerald

In a fit of rage over her husband F. Scott Fitzgerald’s relationship with actress Lois Moran, Zelda Fitzgerald allegedly trashed her hotel room at the Ambassador. She set her clothes on fire in the bathtub and reportedly lit furniture and other fixtures of the bungalow ablaze.

9. Keith Moon of The Who

“The band ‘The Who’ were banned for life from all Holiday Inns when Keith Moon started a food fight with a 5-tier cake, once the police arrived he stripped to his underwear, jumped into his car, drove it through a fence and left it in the bottom of the Flint Holiday Inn pool.”


10. Johnny Depp

“In the 90s Johnny Depp trashed a NYC hotel room and when confronted by the authorities claimed an armadillo was responsible for the damage. It apparently leaped from a cupboard before trashing the room and throwing itself out the window.”


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