
20 Real Life X-Women Who Are Truly One of a Kind

While no two women may be exactly alike, several truly march to the beat of their own drum. Whether this comes through embracing their natural beauty, modifying their appearance to live their artistic truths, or leaning into what makes them unique, these 20 women prove that X-Men are real — and a whole lot of them are women. 

From Guinness World Record holders to actresses and even an iconic Victoria's Secret model, here are 20 real-life X-Women who are truly one of a kind. 

1. Nyakim Gatwech

American Model Nyakim Gatwech has garnered international acclaim — and Instagram fame — for her stunning dark complexion, one that earned her the nickname the “Queen Of Dark.”

2. Maci Currin

At 6’10, 21-year-old Maci Currin holds the Guinness World Record for longest legs, each clocking in at upwards of 52 inches.

3. You Jianxia

Since 2016, You Jianxia has held the Guinness World Record for longest eyelashes, clocking in at 4.88 inches in length.


4. Valeria Lukyanova

In the early 2010s, Russian model Valeria Lukyanova shot to viral fame for her striking resemblance to a Barbie Doll.

5. Aliia Nasyrova

Dubbed the “real-life Rapunzel” by Guinness World Record, Aliia Nasyrova boasts the world’s longest hair, measuring at 8 ft 5.3 in.

6. Jyoti Amge

At just 2’1”, actress Jyoti Amge is the world’s shortest living woman. She reached further international stardom after appearing in ‘American Horror Story.’

7. Liberty Barros

At just 16 years old, British teen Liberty Barrow holds a steep superlative as one of the world’s most flexible people. Alongside lending her name to a contortion pose — the Liberty Down Low — she also graced the 2024 cover of the Guinness Book of World Records.

8. Tanya Herbert

At 6’9” tall, Texan Tanya Herbert holds the world record for the largest feet on a living woman. With her right foot clocking in at 13.03 inches and her left foot measuring at 12.79 inches, she slips into women’s size 18 sneakers.

9. Chanel Tapper

Since 2010, Californian Chanel Tapper holds the Guinness World Record for the longest tongue on a living female. It measures at 3.8 inches.


10. Ataye Eligidagne

With a lip plate measuring at 19.5cm, Ethiopia’s Ataye Eligidagne holds the Guinness World Record for the largest lip plate.

11. Charlotte Guttenberg

As of 2017, American Charlotte Guttenberg is the world’s most tattooed woman, with roughly 98.75% of her body covered in ink.

12. Elaine Davidson

In May of 2000, former nurse Elaine Davidson earned the Guinness World Record of being the most pierced woman. As of 2005, Davidson boasted 3,950 piercings, per The Guardian.

13. Nataliya Kuznetsova

Since she began powerlifting at just 14 years old, Russian bodybuilder Nataliya Kuznetsova has become arguably one of the most muscular women in the world. Her personal records include squatting 680 lbs, deadlifting 778 lbs, and benchpressing 389 lbs.


14. Anastasia Pokreshchuk

Often going viral for her eye-popping appearance, Ukrainian model Anastasia Pokreshchuk is suspected to have the world’s largest cheeks.

15. Rumeysa Gelgi

At 7 ft 0.71 in tall, Turkish researcher Rumeysa Gelgi holds five Guinness World Records, including tallest woman living.

16. María José Cristerna Méndez

Nicknamed the ‘Vampire Woman,’ Mexico’s María José Cristerna Méndez currently holds the Guinness World Record for most body modifications. Alongside several piercings and tattoos, she has implants in her forehead and forearms.


17. Samantha Ramsdell

Connecticut native Samantha Ramsdell currently holds the Guinness World Record for largest mouth gape, her smile clocking in at 6.52 centimeters.

18. Annie Hawkins-Turner

Annie Hawkins-Turner takes “all naturals” to new heights. She currently holds the Guinness World Record for largest natural chest and wears a size 102 ZZZ bra.

19. Cathie Jung

Victorian dress enthusiast Cathie Jung takes her turn of the century cosplays to new levels with a waist measuring just 15 inches. She currently holds the Guinness World Record for smallest waist on a living person.


20. Winnie Harlow

After getting her start on ‘America’s Next Top Model,’ supermodel Winnie Harlow broke barriers on the catwalk, becoming the first woman with vitiligo to ever model in the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show.

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