
17 Brave People Rated By Reddit's r/TrueRateMe

Everybody knows that the 1-10 attractiveness rating system is deeply flawed and excessively subjective. That said, it's still one of the most commonly used ways to describe someone when talking about them to your friends. But what are you?

It might be hard to know, and none of your close friends will ever be honest enough to tell it to you like it is. But not to worry, the r/truerateme subreddit has you covered: Where lonely Redditors can rip the bandaid off. Except... are they too harsh?

The r/truerateme subreddit has very strict, and what they claim are "subjective" guidelines for rating, (they're quite ridiculous). They'll even warn you for straying too far away from what they consider to be the "objective" truth. Except the objective truth is that this is a subreddit chock full of baddies, and nobody there seems ready to acknowledge that. 

You'd think a website full of horny incels would be clambering to tell these people how attractive they are, but it's quite the opposite. Here are just a few examples of the people on r/TrueRateMe lying through their teeth.

1. Absolutely preposterous.

2. No shot you say that to her face.

3. 5 is a gross overrate? Ridiculous.


5. I don't think you need more than one picture here dude.

6. This dude could pull whoever he wanted at 95% of bars.

7. This is exactly what a liberal arts school 10 looks like.

8. In what world?

9. Not even the curtesy of a rating.


10. And you obviously don't like women.

11. Poster stated he'd lost 150 pounds. But still just average apparently.

12. Gets a warning for what most people would think in person.




15. Oh that .3 really makes you look better.




Categories: Wtf Facepalm Sexy

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