Angry Boss Lets His Own Temper Goad Him Into a Costly Mistake
damn_nation_inc Published 07/09/2020
There are great bosses, and there are bosses who make you wonder "How tf did you ever get to where you are?"
In this case, it's a psycho boss who starts yelling and screaming and berating people the minute something goes wrong. Well, he let his temper get the best of him and ended up firing a great employee while in his rage. What he didn't realize was the several labor laws that were violated by this style of sudden termination. The employee simply kept his cool and knew his rights, and it cost the boss big time.
In this case, it's a psycho boss who starts yelling and screaming and berating people the minute something goes wrong. Well, he let his temper get the best of him and ended up firing a great employee while in his rage. What he didn't realize was the several labor laws that were violated by this style of sudden termination. The employee simply kept his cool and knew his rights, and it cost the boss big time.
Categories: Ftw